Our Little Angel

Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Little Family

This is our family. Life is never ordinary or boring. We are always faced with some new adventure, and they just keep getting bigger as we survive the previous obstacle. I would like to say that this blog will be witty and fun and give you a great laugh. Sometimes it will, but right now I write as an update to our newest challenge in which laughter is hard to come by.

But before I go into the heavy stuff, let me introduce the W.yatt family; Nei.l and I were married 6 years ago and we are so happy together. I really think we have the best marriage, at this point, of any one I know. Nei.l is a surgical tech for a dermatologist and I have been able to stay home with our 2 girls since I had our 2nd. I was a CNA and I loved my work on the neurotrauma unit at Primary Children’s Hospital, but love to be home with McK.enna and Ad.ele more.

Despite our interests in medicine, our passions lie in the arts. Nei.l is a great vocalist and sings tenor in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Currently he is preparing for auditions with the Metropolitan Opera. I paint and draw and have done a couple of children’s bedroom murals, of which I am pretty proud. I would love to write and illustrate children’s books someday.

McK.enna is our precoscious 4 year old. She is smart gorgeous and sassy and headstrong. She can be very helpful with her little sister… when she is not determined to make Ad.ele scream. Adele is 14 months old. She is a clown and loves to do anything to make you laugh. She has been a fresh breath to our lives. And then there is Trist.an. He is our son, expected in October in bittersweet anticipation. He was a surprise, but one we welcome with open arms- if only for a few short moments of our lengthy lives. You see, Trist.an has a severe heart defect, in which hope of treatment is dwindling. With each appointment, and new info, the prognosis becomes dimmer. But I will explain more in my next entry. This is the reason I started this blog.

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